Can anyone share his or her experience on designing a book cover? I just finished writing my e-book and now I am designing the cover. I tried \maketitle and the result was pretty ugly. I'd appreciate any tips on designing book covers.
asked May 6, 2011 at 13:40 user5177 user5177Book covers are often designed using desktop publishing software and only added during production. The PDF of the actual book only contains some minimal cover page which is still present in the final bounded book. For online published PDF-books you could also include such a cover page using pdfpages .
Commented May 6, 2011 at 13:56The Book Design Review has great examples for book covers. While these books could have been typeset with LaTeX their covers probably aren't but were designed independently and added later like Martin Scharrer said.
Commented May 7, 2011 at 7:04I agree with Martin on this one. It's easier to design the book cover in a program like Adobe InDesign. It's really easy and intuitive program, I've been using it for several years and the results are great :)
Commented May 7, 2011 at 10:51 zwpagelayout.sty is one of a fine package for creating Covers and Spine pages in LaTeX Commented Jan 22 at 13:57Here is a poor man's solution! Cover and title pages should ideally be designed by a graphics artist, as most of us are really challenged in this area! (If you have not watched this brilliant TED Talk by Book Cover Designer Chip Kidd, I advise you to watch it as you can gain a lot of insight into book cover design).
The code follows:
\documentclass \usepackage %\usepackage \begin \clearpage %% temporary titles % command to provide stretchy vertical space in proportion \newcommand\nbvspace[1][3]>> % allow some slack to avoid under/overfull boxes \newcommand\nbstretchyspace % To improve spacing on titlepages \newcommand \pagestyle \begin \bfseries \nbvspace[1] \Huge <\nbtitlestretch\huge AWK ONE LINERS EXPLAINED>\nbvspace[1] \normalsize TO WHICH IS ADDED MANY USEFUL ONE\\ LINERS AND CODE SO THAT\\ YOU CAN AWK LIKE A HAWK \nbvspace[1] \small BY\\ \Large LUCAS VAUGHN\\[0.5em] \footnotesize AUTHOR OF ``A WORKING ALGEBRA,'' ``WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY,\\ ITS HISTORY, THEORY AND PRACTICE,'' ETC., ETC. \nbvspace[2] \includegraphics[width=1.5in] \nbvspace[3] \normalsize SINGAPORE\\ \large PUBLISHED IN THE WILD \nbvspace[1] \end \endanswered May 6, 2011 at 14:47 119k 35 35 gold badges 294 294 silver badges 563 563 bronze badges
@Harrold It is from an old Roman History book and which I can't now locate (I even tried
Commented May 6, 2011 at 18:13 I'm gonna use this from now onwards. Thanks @Yiannis Lazarides! Commented Oct 2, 2019 at 2:46This seriously messes up with pages numbering (only pages that are not first page of a section) and header of pages. Is there a way to circumvent this ?
Commented Nov 3, 2019 at 15:30 @DELETEDPROFILE sure Commented Feb 26 at 2:15Create an own document (1 or 4 pages) for your cover and then merge it with the other document with the package pdfpages . Examples of book covers.
For more detailed workaround, see Creating Book Covers using PSTricks. You will be guided how to create a book cover as shown above.
For my own cover I use a template:
On this I put all text frames and additional images with \rput from PSTricks or \put from standard LaTeX.
answered May 6, 2011 at 14:06 user2478 user2478Really nice @Herbert, though I have a question. It seems your examples are front and back of the book. If so, how do you take care of the page counts? What I mean, is that if a book 500 pages, area between front and back should be wider when there are only 50 pages. Is there any mechanism to take care of that or your example are focusing mostly on the designing process?
Commented Apr 9, 2014 at 5:56you have to ask the printer which paper will be used. Then you know the thickness of the paper and can multiply it with 0.5 pages. In general the printer has more experience and can tell you what width will be needed.
Commented Apr 9, 2014 at 6:55You can use xcoffins package from LaTeX 3 project. This example is inspired by work of Jan Tschichold
\documentclass \usepackage[a4paper,margin=5pt] \usepackage[T1] \usepackage \usepackage \usepackage \newcommand\cbox[2][.8]\colorbox[gray]>> \pagestyle \begin \NewCoffin \result \NewCoffin \aaa \NewCoffin \bbb \NewCoffin \ccc \NewCoffin \ddd \NewCoffin \eee \NewCoffin \fff \NewCoffin \rulei \NewCoffin \ruleii \NewCoffin \ruleiii \SetHorizontalCoffin \result <> \SetHorizontalCoffin \aaa \sffamily\bfseries mitteilungen> \SetHorizontalCoffin \bbb \sffamily\bfseries typographische> \SetHorizontalCoffin \ccc \sffamily \quad zeitschrift des bildungsverbandes der deutschen buchdrucker leipzig \textbullet<> oktoberheft 1925> \SetHorizontalCoffin \ddd \sffamily sonderheft> \SetVerticalCoffin \eee \sffamily\bfseries elementare\\ typographie> \SetVerticalCoffin \fff \sffamily\bfseries natan altman \\ otto baumberger \\ herbert mayer \\ max burchartz \\ el lissitzky \\ ladislaus moholy-nagy \\ moln\'ar f.~farkas \\ johannes molzahn \\ kurt schwitters \\ mart stam \\ ivan tschichold> \RotateCoffin \bbb \RotateCoffin \ccc \SetHorizontalCoffin \rulei \rule> \SetHorizontalCoffin \ruleii \rule> \SetHorizontalCoffin \ruleiii\rule> \JoinCoffins \result \aaa \JoinCoffins \result[\aaa-t,\aaa-r] \rulei [b,r](0pt,2mm) \JoinCoffins \result[\aaa-b,\aaa-l] \bbb [B,r](2pt,0pt) \JoinCoffins \result[\bbb-t,\bbb-r] \ruleii [t,r](-2mm,0pt) \JoinCoffins \result[\aaa-B,\aaa-r] \ccc [B,l](66pt,14pc) \JoinCoffins \result[\bbb-l,\ccc-B] \fff [t,r](-2mm,0pt) \JoinCoffins \result[\fff-b,\fff-r] \ruleiii [b,l](2mm,0pt) \JoinCoffins \result[\ccc-r,\fff-l] \eee [B,r] \JoinCoffins \result[\eee-T,\eee-r] \ddd [B,r](0pt,4pc) \TypesetCoffin \result \end777k 70 70 gold badges 1.6k 1.6k silver badges 2.5k 2.5k bronze badges answered May 6, 2011 at 14:04 51.8k 4 4 gold badges 72 72 silver badges 160 160 bronze badges
Note that the interface to xcoffins is not yet stable: we have to decide on some key detail yet! (It is 'experimental', after all, although the core concept is sorted.)
Commented May 6, 2011 at 14:06Ahh good to know. I have seen example with keyval syntax, but the old one seems to me more intuitive and simpler for use
Commented May 6, 2011 at 14:23@michal.h221: The problem (for me) with the syntax as you've used is it remains stuck with the 'remember the placement of optional argument' issues that have arisen in the past with LaTeX2e. Now, it may be that in some cases this is best: one for the LaTeX-L list, I think.
Commented May 6, 2011 at 14:32@michal.h21 Fantastic example! With a current LaTeX this produces an extra blank page before the title page. Is this intended or possibly the result of changes in the kernel or xcoffins in the last 12 years?
Commented Apr 26, 2023 at 2:10@mbert it is possibly because of some changes, 12 years is a long time. I think the culprit is the margin set in Geometry. When I change it to 0mm , only one page is produced.
Commented Apr 26, 2023 at 8:57There is a relatively new package on CTAN, called bookcover. It seems to be quite straightforward to use and includes two examples.
answered Jan 8, 2016 at 17:20 1,347 15 15 silver badges 28 28 bronze badges The package perfectly takes care of the margins required by publishers. Commented Feb 7, 2016 at 11:53 this answer deserves way more attention. Commented Aug 8, 2016 at 17:20 Some examples:, Commented Jan 23, 2018 at 8:44Book covers, and title pages, should be individually designed --- the \maketitle macro is not of much help. On CTAN there is a document of mine showing a range of title page designs that could be adapted for book covers: Some Examples of Title Pages. If you have TeX Live then
texdoc titlepages
should bring it up as well.
Here is, hopefully, an example cover of mine. I have used as the background a photo I took of an old manuscript (cover2.jpg) and overlaid the title information on top. The cover (and book) will be trimmed to eliminate the margin white spaces.
\documentclass \usepackage \begin \raggedbottom \frontmatter \pagestyle %% front cover The Decretales of Pope Gregory IX 1505 recto \begin(0,0)% \put<-105,-675)<\includegraphics[height=10.4in,width=8.5in,keepaspectratio]%> \end \vspace* <1.5\onelineskip>\begin \LARGE\textbf\par \end \begin \HUGE\textbf \end \begin \LARGE\textbf\par \end \begin \HUGE\textbf \end \vspace* \begin \Huge\textbf \end \end
I have a PDF of the above and thanks to Yiannis I now know how to include it in this answer.
55.2k 32 32 gold badges 167 167 silver badges 234 234 bronze badges answered Apr 17, 2012 at 19:58 Peter Wilson Peter Wilson 28.4k 2 2 gold badges 29 29 silver badges 60 60 bronze badgesThanks for the answer, if you include links we will help out with formatting. For images is best to capture them and use the little picture in the editor to upload.
Commented Apr 17, 2012 at 20:15For graphic layout tasks such as this, I reach for a full-page pspicture:
\documentclass[letterpaper] \usepackage[centering,width=8.5in,height=11in] \usepackage \pagestyle \begin \psset \begin(8.5,11)% use your page size \rput[b](3.5,8)<\parbox \Huge\bfseries\sffamily Awk one-liners\\ Explained \end>> \uput[-90](3.5,8)\rule> % . \end \endanswered May 6, 2011 at 15:16 Dean Serenevy Dean Serenevy 883 7 7 silver badges 11 11 bronze badges Nice solution. Commented May 6, 2011 at 15:36
You can of course redefine the \maketitle macro to acquiesce to your design wishes.
But as Martin has mentioned in a comment, the cover title is actually a later addition to a book. \maketitle is not the way to do this.
The KOMA documentation says the following:
A cover is actually something that should be created in a separate document. The cover often has a very individual format. It can also be designed with the help of a graphics or DTP program. A separate document should also be used because the cover will be printed on a different medium, possibly cardboard, and possibly with another printer.
\maketitle ’s job is to create the title page(s) inside a book, not the cover.
answered May 6, 2011 at 15:18 Konrad Rudolph Konrad Rudolph 39.9k 23 23 gold badges 108 108 silver badges 162 162 bronze badgesThe current page node of TikZ is very helpful:
\documentclass[parskip] \usepackage \usetikzlibrary \usepackage \usepackage \begin \thispagestyle \begin [ overlay, remember picture, mynode/.style=>, ] \fill[red!30!gray] (current page.south west) rectangle (current page.north east); \node[mynode] at ($(current page.north east)+(-0.2,-6)$) \selectfont \textbf>; \node[mynode] at ($(current page.north east)+(-0.5,-8)$) \selectfont \textsc>; \node[mynode] at ($(current page.north east)+(-0.8,-10)$) \selectfont Samizdat, 2012>; \node[above right] at ($(current page.south west)+(5,5)$) <\includegraphics[scale=0.5]>; \end \clearpage \lipsum[1-20] \end
Because in your screenshot there is Peteris Krumins' name. He was a person looking for a TeX consultant last year in this site. I forgot the link. I will search for it shortly. This is his question.
Commented Sep 22, 2012 at 11:54Ah, but still no. I just took the contents from the question, analogous to Yiannis Lazarides' answer.
Commented Sep 22, 2012 at 12:30 No problem, curiosity is what fuels this place ;) Commented Sep 22, 2012 at 12:34As always I want to recommend Inkscape which with some meddling can export PDF's that you run through LaTeX and get the best of two worlds.
answered Dec 13, 2011 at 15:39 11.6k 8 8 gold badges 58 58 silver badges 113 113 bronze badgesThe source code for the title page from the The TikZ & PGF Manual might be interesting.
Although these are specifically used as title pages, with some study of the source code, similarly inspired designs could be used in the design of a book cover.
55.2k 32 32 gold badges 167 167 silver badges 234 234 bronze badges answered Dec 13, 2011 at 1:36 13.4k 24 24 gold badges 118 118 silver badges 221 221 bronze badgesThere's also @jfogarty's latex-createspace-bookcover repo, which even includes a spine:
answered Jan 22 at 13:39 458 4 4 silver badges 16 16 bronze badgesIf your book is not a textbook or technical reference, then there is no substitute for graphic design. The design does not have to be exotic. It merely needs to convey the impression that "this is not a textbook or technical reference" to potential readers.
If you will be using a print-on-demand service, nowadays most of them are happy to accept a PNG or JPG image, prepared according to their standards. Their web sites will explain. You may also be able to provide a PDF, but in most cases that would only be a wrapper around a single graphic image, not a file produced by TeX.
Unless it is a solid color, the background should be created in a raster graphics program. Usually at 300 pixels per inch. You can add text there, or create text in TeX, then import the result as layers to the graphic. If you use TeX, you do not need to worry about positioning or rotation or color, since you can do that to the imported text in the graphics program.
The finished cover should be flattened (no layers), which rasterizes the text. It will always be rasterized before print, so you lose nothing.
Depending on the print service, you may be required to submit RGB, or CMYK, or your choice. You may be required to attach a color profile, or omit a color profile, or your choice. Given the choice, it is best to submit as RGB without attached color profile. Let them do the color conversion.
Be sure that the text does not have any excessively fine structure. The four-color printing process tends to make fine (small) text hard to read.
The printed color will be in a different color space than you saw on screen. Without a calibrated monitor and graphics art experience, just live with the effect of color conversion. In general, very brightly-colored reds, greens, and blues will print less brightly. Dark colors (deep browns) will appear slightly washed-out. Black may not be as black as you expected.
Professionally printed books use a different print technology. That is why those "instant best-seller" books can have brilliant reds and deep blacks. Same with textbooks, which can be printed using expensive technology, because students have little choice.
You are strongly discouraged from submitting vector artwork. Some services refuse to accept it. If you wish to design using a vector program, then import to a raster program, and finish it there.