Natural Gas Engineering Handbook

Natural Gas Engineering Handbook

The demand for energy consumption is increasing rapidly. To avoid the impending energy crunch, more producers are switching from oil to natural gas. While natural gas engineering is well documented through many sources, the computer applications that provide a crucial role in engineering design and analysis are not well published, and emerging technologies, such as shale gas drilling, are generating more advanced applications for engineers to utilize on the job. To keep producers updated, Boyun Guo and Ali Ghalambor have enhanced their best-selling manual, Natural Gas Engineering Handbook, to continue to provide upcoming and practicing engineers the full scope of natural gas engineering with a computer-assisted approach.

Key features Table of contents

Chapter 1: Introduction

1.1 What Is Natural Gas?

1.2 Utilization of Natural Gas

1.3 Natural Gas Industry

1.4 Natural Gas Reserves

1.5 Types of Natural Gas Resources

1.6 Future of the Natural Gas Industry

Chapter 2: Properties of Natural Gas

2.2 Specific Gravity

2.3 Pseudocritical Properties

2.5 Compressibility Factor

2.7 Formation Volume Factor and Expansion Factor

2.8 Compressibility of Natural Gas

2.9 Real Gas Pseudopressure

2.10 Real Gas Normalized Pressure

Chapter 3: Gas Reservoir Deliverability

3.2 Analytical Methods

3.3 Empirical Methods

3.4 Construction of Inflow Performance Relationship Curve

3.5 Horizontal Wells

3.6 Multi-Fractured Horizontal Wells

3.7 Shale Gas Wells

3.8 Well Deliverability Testing

Chapter 4: Wellbore Performance

4.2 Single-Phase Gas Well

4.3 Mist Flow in Gas Wells

Chapter 5: Choke Performance

5.2 Sonic and Subsonic Flow

5.3 Dry Gas Flow through Chokes

5.4 Wet Gas Flow through Chokes

Chapter 6: Well Deliverability

6.2 Nodal Analysis

6.3 Production Forecast

Chapter 7: Separation

7.2 Separation of Gas and Liquids

7.3 Stage Separation

7.4 Flash Calculation

7.5 Low-Temperature Separation

Chapter 8: Dehydration

8.2 Dehydration of Natural Gas

8.3 Removal of Acid Gases

Chapter 9: Compression and Cooling

9.2 Types of Compressors

9.3 Selection of Reciprocating Compressors

9.4 Selection of Centrifugal Compressors

9.5 Selection of Rotary Blowers

Chapter 10: Volumetric Measurement

10.2 Measurement with Orifice Meters

10.3 Other Methods of Measurement

10.4 Natural Gas Liquid Measurement

Chapter 11: Transportation

11.2 Pipeline Design

11.3 Transportation of LNG

Chapter 12: Special Problems

12.2 Liquid Loading on Gas Wells

12.3 Hydrate Control

12.4 Pipeline Cleaning

Appendix A: Pseudopressures of Sweet Natural Gases

Appendix B: Normalized Pressures of Sweet Natural Gases

Appendix C: Orifice Meter Tables for Natural Gas

Appendix D: The Minimum Gas Production Rate for Water Removal in Gas Wells

Appendix E: The Minimum Gas Production Rate for Condensate Removal in Gas Wells

Appendix F: Mathematical Model for Obtaining Correction Factor Fg